The house Santiveri, specialized in organic food product, will present the first men and women of each section (13 and 18 km) with a sports bag with Santiveri products, to recover after the sport and take care in the day to day, like any good athlete.

You are still in time to sign up for the Cherry Terrace Race-March, you have until June 3rd! You can check our facebook where we are uploading information about the race or your facebook itself for all the details:–148062858686171/?fref=ts

The brand Santiveri, especiallized in organic food products, will reward the first man and woman of every stretch (13Km and 18Km) with a gym bag with Santiveri products, to recover after the effort and to take care of their health every day.

You are still on time to sigh up for the Race-Walking Mountain Cherry of Terrades, until the 3th of June! You can check our facebook page where we have posted some information about the race, or you can visit their facebook page for all the details:–148062858686171/?fref=ts