Monthly Archives: April 2018


Beautiful article about La Muga and its wonderful natural setting

Article in the newspaper La Vanguardia: La Muga, from the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean

"To travel the course of the Muga is to visit different landscapes, from the high mountains to the wetlands that we find at its spectacular mouth. The crystal clear waters of the gorges in its initial stretch invite us to swim, while the many gorges and waterfalls in the upper part encourage us to adventure. ”

Article in the newspaper La Vanguardia: La Muga, from the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean

“To travel the course of La Muga is to visit different landscapes, from the high mountains to the marshes that we find at its spectacular mouth. The crystal clear waters of the pools in its initial section invite us to swim, while the many gorges and waterfalls in the upper part encourage us to adventure. "

Article in La Vanguardia newspaper: La Muga, from the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean

“Travelling through the course of La Muga river is to visit different landscapes, from the high mountains to the marshes that we found in its spectacular mouth. The crystalline waters of the pools that are in its initial stretch invite us to swim, while the numerous waterfalls of the high part invite us to the adventure.”

Estem en obres! Under construction!

Estem en obres! Fent alguns canvis a l’entrada principal per millorar-ne l’accés. Un parell de setmanes i pujarem noves fotos amb el resultat final. Quines ganes! 😀

We are under construction! We are making some changes in the main entrance to improve the access for all of you. A couple of weeks and we’ll upload new photos with the final result. We are so excited! #surprise #underconstruction

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