Monthly Archives: March 2017


We are celebrating in the village!

This Wednesday, March 29, the Society the Fraternity turned 110 years old. To celebrate, on Saturday, April 1st, we look forward to seeing you all at the Society with a great popular lunch! € 10 for members and € 15 for non-members! And with special prices for children and retirees. You can't miss it! Confide your assistance to me now by answering with a message on the facebook of La Societat La Fraterinitat or by signing up at the Café de la Societat or ca la Maria Rosa. What a special weekend awaits us!

Hanami Terrades

Learn about the traditional Japanese practice of Hanami? It is the celebration of spring related to the flowering and beauty of flowers, especially the blossoming cherry. Sounds nice, doesn't it? So you don't have to go very far to enjoy this natural spectacle! Next to our house we have Terrades, a village of cherries, where this Sunday we can enjoy together our particular Hanami. This Sunday 19 March a popular meal will take place under the flowering cherries. Feel free to enjoy this Hanami in Catalan from 1pm at Palau-Surroca. If you usually enjoy the al fresco picnic and a landscape that will leave you speechless, this day is made for you!

Have you heard about the traditional japanese practice called Hanami? It is the celebration of spring flowering related with the beauty of flowers, especially cherry trees. Sounds nice, right? Well, no need to go too far to enjoy this natural spectacle! Terrades, our neighbour village is a land full of cherry trees. So, it’s the perfect place to enjoy together our own Hanami. This Sunday 19th of March, do not miss a popular meal under the cherry blossoms. We encourage you to enjoy this catalan Hanami from 13h at Palau-Surroca. If you regularly enjoy the picnic in the open space, this day is made for you!

Fira el cap de setmana

Aquest cap de setmana a Sant Llorenç tindrem la Fira de la Mongeta i el Carbó!! La tradició ja és aquí, i amb ella arriben com cada any, un munt d’activitats al poble tant del gust dels més petits com dels més grans. Acollirem una trobada d’intercanvi de plaques de cava, una concentració de SEAT 600, una actuació castellera, concursos i tallers de contes i jocs per passar-ho bé. I no faltaràn per suposat, les paradetes que ens oferràn productes artesanals i orgànics de la nostra zona. Veniu a disfrutar amb un cap de setmana diferent!

Girocamping aquest cap de setmana!

Aquest cap de setmana us presentem un esdeveniment molt especial per vosaltres, al que no podeu faltar! El Girocamping, la Fira dels càmpings i Parcs de Vacances, estarà a la Fira de Girona del dia 2 al 5 de març. El Girocamping és la major fira del món campista a Catalunya, disposa de 10.000 m2 d’espai d’exposició exterior i interior, i l’any passat va tancar la seves portes amb 20.000 visitants, el 70% dels quals són campistes.

Com cada any, compta amb exposicions interessants tant a nivell professional com campista: exposició de caravanes, autocaravanes i accessoris de càmping, exposició de bungalows i tendes, venda de material auxiliar i complementari, com també preus i promocions especials durant la fira! A més, com cada any, l’entrada és gratuïta.

No us podeu perdre aquesta oportunitat de conèixer les més recents novetats en material i accessoris pel càmping que poden millorar la vostra experiència durant les vostres pròximes vacances. Esteu preparats per l’aventura?

This weekend we present a very special event for you which you can not miss! Girocamping, the Fair of Camping and Holiday Park, will be in the Fira de Girona from 2th to 5th of March. Girocamping is the biggest campsite fair in Catalonia, it has 10,000 m2 of exhibition space outside and inside, and last year it closed its doors with 20,000 visitors, 70% of which were campers.

As always, Girocamping has interesting exhibitions both professionals and campers: exhibition of caravans and camping accessories, exhibition tents and bungalows, sale of accessorises and auxiliary material, and also prices and special promotions during the fair! In addition, as every year, admission is free.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn about the latest developments in camping equipment and accessories that can enhance your experience during your next holidays. Are you ready for the adventure?

This Saturday we premiere new season! Coinciding with the Bean and Coal Fair, we are launching this 2017 with all of you. We will wait for you!!! # season2017

Our campsite season 2017 starts this Saturday! At the same time than the Bean and Coal Festival of Sant Llorenç embraces the begging of the spring, we start again a new season with all of you. We hope to see you there! #season2017

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