Monthly Archives: July 2017


Everyone to play !!

Towards evening, this is the ideal time for children and adults to share a space to play and play sports while enjoying a pleasant time together. Playing basketball, football, volleyball, swinging, enjoying the playground with the little ones or playing table tennis are some of the activities that can be done in the recreation area of ​​our facilities.

At the evening, young and adults share play and sports spaces and have fun together. Playing basketball, football, volleyball, swinging, enjoying the playground with the kids or playing ping-pong are some of the activities that can be done in our facilities.

Yoga en família

La setmana passada vam gaudir de la companyia de dues simpàtiques famílies aficionades al yoga. Moltes gràcies per deixar-nos fer aquesta fotografia tan maca de bon matí, aquella energia positiva i tranquil·litat era contagiosa i va ser per nosaltres una forma excel·lent de començar el dia!

Last week we enjoyed the company of two yoga-friendly families. Thank you very much for letting us take this beautiful picture at early morning. That positive energy and tranquility was contagious and it was an excellent way for us to start the day!

Agitart Dance Festival in Figueres

This weekend comes Agitart, an annual exhibition of contemporary dance and arts that will be held from 3 to 8 July at the Teatre Jardí in Figueres. This show will consist of several contemporary dance shows performed by both national and international companies. The program includes groups such as Humanhood, Somdansa Figueres, Julia Maria Koch, among others.

In addition, the company Agitart will offer the second edition of the various summer workshops, a program of various workshops taught by internationally renowned artists such as Guy Nader, Tomislav English, Elia Lopez, Joan Cleville and Sharon Fridman. During the night, participants will be given exclusive access to the entire Agitart Festival.

In the following link you will find the program of the festival if it is of interest to you.

Come and see the most anticipated dance festival in the city of Figueres!

Surreal tastings! / Surreal tapas!

The most gastronomic party in Figueres continues with the #tastetssurrealistes! What better way to be inspired than with Dalí's boundless imagination! Even today the memory of the most famous painter of the surrealist current continues to inspire fields such as gastronomy to be more creative. #Figueres #gastronomia # Dalí

The most gastronomic festival in Figueres continues this july with the amazing offer of surreal tapas! Who better to inspire our chefs of Alt Empordà than the unlimited imagination of Dalí. The memory of the most famous painter of surrealism is still inspiring other creative fields improving our gastronomy. #tapas

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